You know how there are just some stores that draw you in and you keep coming back to? For some people it's their favourite counter in a department store for others an interior design store. For me it is Redcurrant in my home Town Hamilton New Zealand. Every time I go in there I see something I MUST HAVE! I've gathered a few of my recent purchases from them for your viewing pleasure - enjoy
I love this ornamental bird cage - I'm on the look out for some georg silk flowers to go inside. |
Marshmallow perfume - so good I had to get the handbag sized oil as well. |
Close up of the necklace - so pretty - definitely a statement piece |
This little pouch goes everywhere with me in my handbag - including all the way to the UK! |
How Cute is the bird print scarf - such a color! |
I love MOR cosmetics - beautiful scents. |
What stores do you go back to time and again? Where you just know you're not leaving with out dropping some cash ;)